Guernsey's Archery Club
The object of the club is to Promote and Encourage Archery in all its forms.
Club members shoot a variety of different bow styles from Traditional Longbow and American Flatbow to the more modern Recurve and Compound bows.
We are fortunate enough to be able to shoot regularly outdoors from April through to end of September on our range at Port Soif, the grounds and licensed club house being shared with Guernsey Rovers Athletic Club
There are regular target practice sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, with Sunday mornings usually reserved for club competitions.
From October through to end of March we shoot at the indoor Rifle Range at Mont Arrive again on Monday, Wednesdays and Friday evenings.
In addition to Target shooting, throughout the year we also offer members the opportunity to take part in 3D field and Clout shoots.
We do hold beginner courses from time to time, giving people a chance to try their hand at several different bow types under the instruction of our more experienced members.
For those companies or groups who want to try something different we can offer corporate or social have a go events.